What You Can Expect

To make understanding the market easier, BWR provides a variety of financial market reports. Examples of our reports are included with their descriptions.

Domestic Market Reports

These in-depth reports on developments in the US political economy, outline the big picture and provide a singular perspective important for any fund manager. We address questions such as where equities and debt prices are headed, and which asset classes will outperform their benchmarks in the current environment.

Domestic Report

Global Markets

Depend on us for comprehensive coverage of developments and opportunities outside of the United States. We cover and advise clients on the financial markets of more than 50 countries. 

Global Market Report

Thematic Reports

These reports are highly valued by institutional investors for the detailed and meticulous information they provide.

Themes include:

  • MSCI World Coverage
  • High Conviction Macro Trades
  • Global Political Calendar
  • US Elections Watch

Theme Report

Recommended Reading

Recommended Readings

Culled from our day-to-day surveillance, we publish these impact pieces to supplement  our ongoing analysis of the global political economy.

Conference Calls

On a monthly basis and an individual basis with clients, we run through the major macro events impacting the financial and political markets. Many clients have found this an indispensable part of our service.